
The Ride

The Ride

I had the most amazing afternoon. Sammy took me to an MC; I haven’t been on MC property in nearly a year and I was hesitant at first. However, in minutes I was amazingly surprised by what I found.  I made a new friend, Lethal, President of the MC, who doesn’t live too far from me in RL; he showed me around the sim and took me on a bike ride. I did warn him that I am not a great rider, but he was patient and even laughed with me when I ran off the track (which he told me was impossible….apparently it isn’t!). I’m so accident prone I just knew he would get frustrated, but he didn’t. It was horrible having to re-rez my bike like FIVE TIMES and get back on, but I did it.  I was determined not letting 3000 meters of height take me down without a fight. I FINALLY made it to the top – where he had a king and queen….trophy…surrounded by game tables (and y’all know how much I love game tables!). Y’all know I had to capture the moment!

All in all, it was a great day – new friend, new favorite place, and new experience on my bike. I’ve challenged Lethal to a game of bowling and we may get to it one day, but for now…I’m celebrating the win and the ride. The company was great, and I can’t imagine today getting topped any time soon.  Note to self:  (1) Learn how to ride your bike before doing it in public! (2) If you’re gonna embarrass yourself in front of a hot man, make sure you can at least laugh at yourself. (3) Don’t let the challenge defeat you…come back fighting.

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