the event: Fire Escape

Fire Escape
Last night was such a great night! One of my friends invited me out to a rock club and we had a great time. For once, I didn’t have to DJ and it was music so different than what I have been spinning lately. We danced on the bar with the DJ and hostess and just rocked out! The only problem I had was coming down off the music high – I crashed and needed to escape. Best place – the club’s fire escape where I could still hear the music, but I could think and process. I fell in love – with music, with a man, with a voice, with a place that just brought everything together for me. I’m still reeling and floating.

ML Fashion Got It Right!

When I opened my blog box, I wasn’t expecting this completely adorable outfit! It’s an all-in-one outfit with two HUDs for color changes (there are 12 matching and interchangeable color options – the sky is the limit!). This cute jumper fits all mesh bodies and didn’t require any alpha fixes for my Maitreya (fast and easy – yep I’m sold!).

¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°  credits  °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

Jumper – Autumn Leaves (ML Fashion Exclusive for THE EVENT)

Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – CATWA Destiny
Eyes– IKON – Hope Midnight
Eyeshadow Applier – .kosmetik Glow Vivance
Nail Polish Applier – .kosmetik Gel Nails Water Marble
Lipstick Applier – CATWA Destiny Applier
Hair – TRUTH Astra
Sim – ML Fashion


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